About Me, An East Lothian Explorer…

Hi I’m Katy- the human behind this blog… almost always found hidden behind the camera! Having grown up at various spots all over England, I moved to Scotland just over a decade ago, and to East Lothian six years ago which is when I started my personal mission to explore this little part of Scotland, mostly on foot, and always accompanied by some or all of my little tribe comprising of two crazy dogs, four small boys and one bigger boy (known from here on as Hubs)! We are generally an outdoorsy bunch and fans of all things adventurous-so we definitely moved to the right place! A few years ago, I bought a rusty old Vito van and turned it by hand into a tiny, quirky campervan called Bertie- he has taken on us on more far-flung adventures than I can count, and is also my mobile home-away-from-home for a cuppa after a local walk.

Back then, I started an Instagram page, initially documenting the van-build, but I soon discovered a wonderful active community of like-minded people, and it has since become a place to share my outdoor escapades. It is from here that this website was born!

Please do feel free to follow our adventures on insta and to get in touch- I am always happy to chat :)

Happy Exploring!